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Partners’ Participation in Antenatal Care Visits

Indicator Phrasing

% of men who accompanied their female partner for at least one antenatal care visit during the last pregnancy
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of men who accompanied their female partner for at least one antenatal care visit during the last pregnancy

French: % d’hommes qui ont accompagné leur conjointe à au moins une visite de soin prénatale au cours de la dernière grossesse

Spanish: % de hombres que acompañaron a su pareja en al menos una visita de atención prenatal durante el último embarazo

Portuguese: % de homens que acompanharam a parceira durante pelo menos uma consulta pré-natal durante a sua última gravidez

Czech: % mužů, kteří se při posledním těhotenství jejich partnerky zúčastnili alespoň jedné předporodní prohlídky

What is its purpose?

Men’s involvement during antenatal care visits increases the likelihood of safe pregnancy (as men are more aware of women’s needs, danger signs, need for transportation plans, etc.) as well as the likelihood that the partner will continue to also provide care after the delivery. This indicator therefore measures the proportion of male partners who accompanied their female partner for at least one antenatal care visit during the last pregnancy.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

There are two ways of assessing the value of this indicator – conducting individual interviews with mothers or with fathers. Since the IMAGES survey showed that men’s reports of their participation in antenatal visits are higher than women’s reports (likely due to over reporting), it is suggested that the indicator’s value is assessed by interviewing a representative sample of mothers of children aged 0-23 months.



Q1: During your pregnancy with your youngest child, did anyone check your and your baby’s health?

A1: yes / no


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is YES)


Q2: During your pregnancy with your youngest child, did your partner ever accompany you to any of the of antenatal health checks?  

A2: yes / no / does not remember



To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of respondents whose partner accompanied them at least once for the antenatal health check by the total number of respondents (exclude those who did not remember). Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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