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Adopted Policy Measures

Indicator Phrasing

number of new policy measures contributing to more sustainable [specify: consumption / production] adopted by [specify the stakeholder] as a result of the project’s support
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of new policy measures contributing to more sustainable [specify: consumption / production] adopted by [specify the stakeholder] as a result of the project’s support

French: nombre de nouvelles mesures politiques contribuant à une [spécifiez: consommation/ production] plus durable adoptées par [spécifiez la partie prenante] grâce à l’appui du projet

Spanish: número de nuevas medidas políticas que contribuyen a un consumo/producción más sostenible adoptadas por [especifique la parte interesada] como resultado del apoyo del proyecto

Portuguese: número de novas medidas de política que contribuem para uma [especificar: consumo / produção] mais sustentável adoptada por [especificar a parte interessada] como resultado do apoio do projecto

Czech: počet nových opatření přispívajících k udržitelnější [upřesněte: spotřebě / výrobě] přijatých [určete kým] díky aktivitám projektu

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number of project’s proposals for adopting measures which contribute to a more sustainable consumption / production that were officially accepted and put into practice by the relevant authorities. This can include, for example, introducing a levy on plastic bags, lowering VAT tariffs for green produce, enforcing stricter energy efficiency standards, or promoting more sustainable agronomic practices.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define the criteria specifying what counts as ‘put into practice’. These should include primarily:

- specific actions were taken by the authorities demonstrating that the measures recommended in the proposal are used

- any official documents / policies confirming that the proposal was officially adopted and is used in practice

- additional criteria might include: allocation of financial / human resources for implementing the proposal; inclusion of the proposal in the authorities’ work plans; etc.


2) Use key informant interviews (with the relevant authorities, project staff, etc.) and reviews of relevant documentation to assess whether the criteria were met and why the change happened. The ‘why’ aspect is very important, as you should be able to prove that the project has clearly contributed to the change.  


3) Count the number of proposals where the criteria defined in the first point were met and where the project has clearly contributed to the desired change.  


Important Comments

1) Ensure that the project team archives relevant documents providing clear evidence of which measures were officially adopted by the authorities (e.g. authorities’ announcements; documents showing funding allocation; meeting minutes; etc.).


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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