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Physical Violence by an Intimate Partner

Indicator Phrasing

% of women aged 15 - 49 who experienced physical violence from an intimate partner in the past 12 months
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of women aged 15 - 49 who experienced physical violence from an intimate partner in the past 12 months

French: % de femmes âgées de 15 à 49 ans ayant subi des violences physiques de la part d’un partenaire intime au cours des 12 derniers mois

Spanish: Porcentaje de mujeres de 15 a 49 años que han sufrido violencia física por parte de su pareja en los últimos 12 meses

Portuguese: % de mulheres com idades entre 15 e 49 anos que sofreram de violência física de um parceiro íntimo nos últimos 12 meses

Czech: % žen ve věku 15 - 49 let, které během posledních 12 měsíců byly svým partnerem fyzicky napadeny

What is its purpose?

Freedom from violence is a critical aspect of women’s empowerment and greater gender equality. This indicator measures the proportion of women who in the past 12 months experienced physical violence from their existing or previous intimate partner. Considering how sensitive the collection of the required data is, the indicator should be used only in interventions that specifically address the prevention and response to gender-based violence.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of women aged 15 - 49 years:



Q: Have you ever had an intimate partner? By intimate partner I mean someone whom you married or with whom you lived at any point in your life.

A: yes / no / did not respond


(ask the following questions only if the previous answer is YES)


Introduction: When two people marry or live together, they usually share both good and bad moments. I would now like to ask you some questions about the intimate partners you had in the course of your life. If anyone comes near us, I will change the topic of our interview. Again, I would like to assure you that your answers will be kept secret, and that you do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to. May I continue?


A0: the respondent provided consent / the respondent refused to continue

Q1: In the past 12 months, has your current or previous partner ever slapped you or thrown something at you that could hurt you?


Q2: In the past 12 months, has your current or previous partner ever pushed you or shoved you?


Q3: In the past 12 months, has your current or previous partner ever hit you with his fist or with something else that could hurt you?


Q4: In the past 12 months, has your current or previous partner ever kicked you, dragged you or beaten you?


Q5: In the past 12 months, has your current or previous partner ever choked or burned you on purpose?


Q6: In the past 12 months, has your current or previous partner ever threatened to use or actually used a gun, knife or other weapon against you?


A1-6: yes / no / did not respond


In all instances where the answer is “yes”, it is recommended (though not required) that you ask also the following question:

Q: In the past 12 months, would you say that this has happened once, a few times or many times?

A: once / a few times / many times



To calculate the indicator’s value:

  1) exclude those respondents who did not report any incidence of physical violence but refused or could not respond to one or more questions

  2) divide the number of the remaining respondents who replied “yes” to one or more of the questions (Q1-4) by the total number of respondents (do not count those you excluded in step 1)

  3) multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage. 


Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by the respondent’s age group, ethnicity, and other factors depending on the local context.

Important Comments

1) Collecting data about gender-based violence is sensitive and can cause serious harm. Take advantage of IndiKit's Rapid Guide to Collecting Survey Data on GBV (see below) to know how to minimize the risk of any harm and ensure the desired quality of collected data.


2) The results can also be divided between the proportion of women who experienced ‘moderate’ violence and the proportion of women who experienced ‘severe’ violence (the sample size needs to be adjusted accordingly for the results to have an acceptable margin of error). “Moderate” violence is when the respondent responds “yes” to Q1 or Q2 and does not answer “yes” to questions Q3-Q6. “Severe” violence is when the respondent answers “yes” to any of the following questions: Q3, Q4, Q5 or Q6.


3) Ensure that the enumerators and respondents understand that the questions are trying to capture the proportion of women who have experienced abuse from an intimate partner in the past 12 months. However, that partner may not be 1) the current partner or 2) someone she has been with in the past 12 months. It can be any intimate partner the respondent had at any point in the course of her life. For example, the partner can be someone she no longer lives with but he still abuses her.


4) Consider including an additional question assessing whether the woman that suffered from physical violence has told someone about it and if so, who (use general categories, such as “a friend” – do not ask about specific people or names).


5) If required for your project’s M&E purposes, you can extend the reference period - for example, to “in the past 2 years” (however, the standard period commonly used in surveys is 12 months).


6) According to the existing data*, the proportion of women reporting physical violence from an intimate partner in the past 12 months ranges in different countries from 1.8% to 29%. In order to accurately record even smaller changes in the baseline and the endline values of this indicator, consider using a larger than usual sample size (so that the margin of error is not larger than 3-4 percentage points).


7) The Sustainable Development Goals use an indicator that combinates both physical and sexual violence: % of girls and women 15-49 who have experienced physical or sexual violence [by an intimate partner] in the last 12 months.


8) The guidance for this indicator was developed based on WHO (2005) Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women and Oxfam (2017) Measuring Women’s Empowerment.


* data source:

UN (2013) Why Do Some Men Use Violence Against Women and How Can We Prevent It?

WHO (2005) Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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