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Participatory Spending

Indicator Phrasing

% of expenditures spent by local authorities on priorities identified through participatory processes
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of expenditures spent by local authorities on priorities identified through participatory processes

French: % des dépenses engagées par les autorités locales sur les priorités identifiées par des processus participatifs

Spanish: % de gastos empleados por las autoridades locales en prioridades identificadas a través de procesos participativos

Portuguese: % da despesa pelas autoridades locais em prioridades identificadas através de processos participativos

Czech: % výdajů místních autorit vynaložených na priority identifikované skrze participativní procesy

What is its purpose?

The indicator indicates the extent to which the local authorities spent their budget for a given period on the priorities proposed by the local citizens through official participatory processes (and included in the official action plans).

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Use review of relevant documents and key informant interviews (with the authorities, local citizens who took part in the participatory budget planning, etc.) to collect and analyze the following data:


1) Assess what process local authorities use to decide on the spending of their budgets (how the spending priorities are identified, who decides and how decisions are made about the amount spent on each priority, etc.).


2) Define what exactly can be counted as “proposed through a participatory process”.


3) Set the time period covered by your survey (it should be the same as the authorities’ fiscal year).


4) Identify those priorities which were proposed for the given fiscal year through a participatory process (i.e. were priorities for a larger number of different people) and were financially supported from the authorities’ budget during the fiscal year.


5) Calculate the total financial value of the supported priorities.


6) Assess the authorities’ total spending in the given fiscal year.


7) To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the amount spent on priorities identified through participatory processes by the authorities’ total spending in the given fiscal year. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage. 

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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