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Diversity of Organizations' Funding

Indicator Phrasing

number of target CSOs that increased the number of their funding sources by at least [specify number] donors while not decreasing the overall financial volume of their operations
See indicator in other languages

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of target CSOs that increased the number of their funding sources by at least [specify number] donors while not decreasing the overall financial volume of their operations

French: nombre d'OSC ciblées qui ont augmentées par au moins [spécifier le nombre] de sources de financement tout en ne diminuant pas le volume financier global de leurs opérations

Spanish: número de organizaciones de la sociedad civil objetivo que aumentaron el número de sus fuentes de financiación en al menos [especificar el número] de donantes sin disminuir el volumen financiero global de sus operaciones

Portuguese: número de OSCs alvo que aumentaram o número das suas fontes de financiamento em, pelo menos, X de doadores, ao mesmo tempo que não diminuíram o volume financeiro das suas operações

Czech: počet cílových organizací, které zvýšily počet svých finančních zdrojů o alespoň [určete počet] donorů a zároveň nesnížily celkový finanční objem svých operací

What is its purpose?

This indicator assesses the number of civil society organizations (CSOs) that managed to diversify their sources of funding (while not decreasing the overall financial volume of their operations), an essential pre-condition for their long-term ability to represent the civil society’s priorities. The indicator is suitable for interventions that build the fundraising capacities of CSOs, that are dependent on a low number of funding sources.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Use key informant interviews and reviews of relevant documentation (budgets, contracts, annual reports, etc.) to record all the financial sources of each of the target CSOs in a certain period – for example, the past 2 years (the period should reflect the duration of your fundraising capacity building support to the target CSOs). If possible, also record the amount secured from each of the sources. At the same time, record the overall financial volume of their operations in the course of the same reference period (e.g. the past 2 years).


2) Repeat the process at the end of your project.


3) Calculate the indicator’s value by counting the number of CSOs that 1) increased the number of existing funding sources by the minimum pre-defined number and 2) at the same time did not decrease the overall financial volume of their operations.

Important Comments

1) It is important that you assess both the number of donors as well as the overall financial volume – otherwise, you risk a situation where the indicator will be ‘met’ even if the CSOs gain more donors but only gain significantly smaller amounts of funding.  


2) Consider complementing this indicator with another indicator assessing the number of target CSOs that increased the financial volume of their operations – in this case, your M&E system will capture both the diversity as well as the volume of CSO funding.


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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